1. Organic Contamination
2. Iron Contamination
3. Weld Spatter
4. Undercut
5. Tarnish
6. Scale Layers & Residual Slag
7. Oxidation Tints ( inner and outer pipe / tube on welding zone )
8. Leak of Penetration ( produced small gaps around circum of welding zone inside pipe / tube ).

Welding Quality of Hygienic and others Processing Line

No Level of Quality Welding Method Finishing Deffect Effect Solution
1 Poor GTAW single butt welding without Insert of argon gas. - no pickling.
- no mechanical polesh.
- no pickling and passivation inside pipe / tube.
- scale layers.
- oxidation tints.
- tarnish.
- iron & organic contamination.
- gap around circum weld inside pipe / tube.
- lower resistant to corrosion on welding zone inside & outside pipe.
- bacterial zone or deposit zone inside pipe / tube.
- leakage on process.
- product.
- Contamination.
- high maintenance cost.
- high production cost.
- pickling with St.W.C outside.
- mechanical polesh outside.
- inside leak of penetration,repair welding line using insert gas argon and finally pickling & pasivation with S.S.C + P.L.S + water.
2 Fair - GTAW single butt welding with insert of nitrogen gas.
- Full penetration inside pipe.
- pickling or mechanical polesh on welding zone outside. - follow to pickling or mechanical polesh procedure all deffect outside pipe / tube will removed.
- oxidation tints, scale layers, tarnish on welding zone inside pipe / tube.
- high resistant to corrosion on welding zone outside pipe / tube.
- no contamination and clean surface.
- lower resistant to corrosion on welding zone inside pipe / tube.
- product live time.
- moderate maintenance cost & production cost.
- pickling and passivation inside pipe or tube by circulation mix of : 2 part P.L.S + 2 parts S.S.C + 2 parts treated water.
- For about 30 minutes holding time.
3 Good - GTAW single butt welding with insert of argon gas. -Full penetration inside tube. - pickling or mechanical polesh on welding zone outside. - tube inside buffing 300#. - pickling and passivation inside tube by circulation mix of : - 2 parts P.L.S + 1 part S.S.C + 3 parts treated water. - For about 30 minutes of holding time. - no deffect - no deffect, no bacterial zone. - clean surface - high corrosion resistant - both inside and outside tube. - no contamination. - no bacterial zone. - low maintenance cost. - product live time. - more productivity.
4 Excellent - Orbital welding with insert argon gas. Sanitary tube or electropolishing tube. - polishing to 300#. - sanitary tube inside or electropolishing. - pickling & passivation inside tube by circulation 1 part P.L.S + 1 part treated water. - For about 30 minutes holding time. - no deffect. - no bacterial zone. - excellent surface. - no contamination. - good product live time. - more productivity.

Menjual Pembersih Logam & Layanan Industrial

PT. Mulyamandiri Jaya Sentosa
Kami adalah perusahaan yang melayani berbagai industri menggunakan Proses Pipa Stainless Steel dan Peralatan Stainless Steel.

Kami menyediakan berbagai pembersih permukaan logam untuk digunakan dalam segala jenis tujuan untuk membersihkan permukaan dalam dan luar dari Stainless Steel dan logam lainnya.

Produk kami untuk menjaga kebersihan peralatan berharga Anda dari lapisan tipis karat, jejak minyak / gemuk, emulsi pengeboran, kontaminasi besi, skala oksida, lapisan skala produk yang tersisa dan lainnya